TMACS Engine – Team Maritime Alarm & Control System Engine
A modern and highly flexible alarm and control system for your vessel. Based on our TMACS 1000 Platform. The TMACS Engine system uses Windows operator stations, controllers and remote I/O units (RIO). The controllers process all data, while RIOs are used for distributed inputs and outputs. The equipment can be placed all over the vessel to reduce cabling. In addition to this, it is possible to operate the system from multiple locations. The operator stations and the controllers are redundant to minimize downtime of the system. Most software updates can be done on the controllers without affecting any running processes. Our controllers support a wide range of industrial protocols including ASAP, Modbus TCP, CAN bus and OPC UA.
Graphical Interface
TMACS Engine can be delivered with two different solutions for HMI. For smaller systems, a web-server in the controller is the most reasonable option, while for larger systems with demands for trend history Citect SCADA is the recommended solution. Citect SCADA communicates with the PLC through the OPC UA protocol and can store trend data up to a year back in time. (Longer periods can be stored upon request). The mimic pictures are tailormade to suit customers preference.
Secure remote maintenance
We always include remote access opportunity as a part of our delivery. This can be used for support, updates, assistance, maintenance or analysis and reduces service and travel costs. The connection is established through a VPN tunnel to a highly secure gateway unit on site. The unit can block any incoming connections with a simple key switch.
Alarm, monitoring and control system for
- Pressure measurement
- Temperature measurement
- Ballast tank level measurement
- Service tank level measurement
- Exhaust gas monitoring with deviation view
- Flooding and bilge system
- Light control
- Draft, trim/list indication
- Bunkering Control System
- Fuel Oil Transfer System
- Fuel Efficient Monitoring System
- Valve control, standby pumps, PID-controllers etc.
- Remote operation of valves and pumps
- Watch Calling alarm system (E0)
- Dead man alarm system
Key benefits
- Competitive pricing
- Fully integrated with all our TMACS systems
- Easy installation and easy to use
- Class approved
- Availability and competetive price for spare parts
- Safe and simple back-up / restoring
- Simple extension / updating
- Secure remote support and updates
- Warm standby controllers
- Real time & history trend
- Automatic start of equipment after blackout